Homogenous storage classes

The Array class

Array instance variables


An Atom (see The Atom class and its descendants) instance representing the type and shape of the atomic objects to be saved.


On iterators, this is the index of the current row.

Array methods

Array special methods

The following methods automatically trigger actions when an Array instance is accessed in a special way (e.g. array[2:3,...,::2] will be equivalent to a call to array.__getitem__((slice(2, 3, None), Ellipsis, slice(None, None, 2)))).

The CArray class

The EArray class

EArray methods

The VLArray class

VLArray properties

VLArray methods

VLArray special methods

The following methods automatically trigger actions when a VLArray instance is accessed in a special way (e.g., vlarray[2:5] will be equivalent to a call to vlarray.__getitem__(slice(2, 5, None)).